Join the Animal Kingdom


Wednesday, October 22, 2008



I remember the other day I was having a conversation with friend when all of a sudden it popped into my head: It would suck to be a slug. Think about it! In order to get anywhere you'd have to snot all over your own stomach! On top of that it would take hours to get places! It's like a constant cold. Plus, do snails have plans to get anywhere or are they just flying by the seat of their pants? Born improvisers.

Also, you know how they say the Earth is a sphere? How do you know for sure? Have you ever been in space to look back and say, "ah, yes. The Earth is a sphere!" Scientists can make tests and know for themselves, but the rest of us? I haven't been around the world. And if I flew around the world, how do I know that it's not a big hoax. When I step into the plane and they lock the doors- what goes on outside? Maybe the windows are monitors and the plane is on hydrolics to give the illusion of flying while they change the scenery outside. Like those electronic rides at Universal Studios! Of course, this is a very ego-centric point of view which is not healthy for anybody.

On another subject, have presidential candidates always been talking heads that constantly repeat themselves? Maybe I'm just actually paying attention this time. Does "Joe the Plummer" feel the same way? It's bad enough as it is in school when the teacher talks about you in front of the whole class. I can't imagine in front of the whole United States! Ha. That sucks.