HELL YEAH COSMIC FLYING MANATEES!! I may have been borderline delusional when I got invited by my good friend and accomplished singer-songwriter Tiff Jimber to go on tour with her. As you can see by this poster I created for the tour which I entitled "I Eat Impossible for Breakfast" I thought I would do something subtle. It was hilarious how many people responded to this poster when it was posted. They were entertained. I must admit, I was entertained just making it. So, I figure why not have fun with making these things. If I laugh, someone else out there would.
The follow up is an homage to the Golden Age of Comic Books.
One of these days I will rig it so blasts of light rays shoot out of my guitar, you'll see! By the way, evil has nothing on us. Especially in SPACE!! Yeah, I don't know why the sudden space-kick. Maybe the more the ridiculous the better. These shows are going to be STUPENDOUS!!
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