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Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween show at Rafa's Lounge

Every time we get on that stage everything changes. The guys and myself on several occasions have brought this up to one another. If we're having bad days, or something isn't going well, when we step on that stage it changes everything. We leave everything at the door. We came to rock some music, and that's what we do. Love to hear when people feel the same way from hearing us play. It really puts things into perspective.

The other night, we had an incredible show at Rafa's Lounge in Echo Park for Halloween. We shared the night with some very close friends on stage: Big Joe Hurt Band, Cliff Beach Experience, Abby Posner, Sara Moini, and Marcela Carmona. Of course we all were in costume. Everyone looked cool, except for me. I looked ridiculous. So of course I was acting the fool. Basically my costume was a Buzz Lightyear outfit made for a 12 year old. I tore through that thing, made cardboard wings (which I'm proud of), and cut the leg off pantyhose to make the hoody he has on the movie. It was obscene. Of course the catch phrase, "to infinity and beyond" was perfect when putting down some drinks. I also remember Abby dressed up in what looked like a white robe, with black tights underneath. One tooth was painted blue. She was so excited and amused, I loved it. She went up to someone. He asked, "what are you?" With huge gestures she presented her costume, coaxing an answer from him. He was still baffled. Pointing at her mouth she said, "look at my tooth!!" To which he replied, "It's BLUE!!" which made her jump in down excited as all hell. Finally Abby and I shouted, "BLUETOOTH!!!" I guess you had to be there. Ruben was dressed with a legit russian hat and a trench coat. Once he got too hot onstage, underneath he had already planned a 1920's banker getup. Always planning ahead. By the end of the night he was wearing a witches hat, so I have no idea what that was about. Danny looked like he was an English guard! He looked awesome. Feather in his hat and everything. He was definitely living it up that night. Halloween has always been a good night.

It's late, can't seem to sleep, and I'm pretty sure I'm rambling. I should leave this blog as is.

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