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Friday, December 13, 2013

Intention (random thoughts to entertain)

There are a lot of people talking about intent. A good majority of what I hear is along the lines of "if your intentions are good then its all good" and "put your intentions out into the universe and be open to receive." This is all and good don't get me wrong, but I've noticed that I feel a bit of apprehension when I hear this, so I've decided to delve into that apprehension and examine it. I acknowledge full and well that maybe I misunderstood where they're coming from, that there are clauses, and/or theres a whole philosophy that it was taken completely out of context from, but if that is the case that may also be why I feel that those kind of phrases if spoken should be used carefully and mindfully (if that's even a word). As a listener I should also be mindful of where I'm placing myself.

Let me entertain a different perspective and follow along if you want to explore it with me.

These are exaggerated/caricatured  examples but they are to illustrate a general point without getting too far into detail. "Intention"....hmm... So does it make a difference by itself? What kind of difference? Then at/until what point does it make a difference?

Lets entertain the idea that I slap somebody in the face. Bam! The dude gets knocked into next week. Now lets say  my intention was to deter him from something that in my mind would've saved him a lot of grief (moral, circumstantial, whatever) down the line. Does my intention make it right, good or just? How would I feel? Well, I'd feel like a hero dammit! How does he feel? Like somebody he considered a friend just slapped the shit out of him. He feels physical pain. He may decide to go the angry route, maybe the confused route, whatever. Either way he doesn't feel good. Considering this, who's to say that slap corrected his future? What's "correct" anyhow? Does having an intention justify my actions or beget good things? Who are my intentions really benefitting? Consider that just maybe my intentions really only benefit me and the way I feel about a situation brought on by my actions (justifying myself). People might say "intentions do make a difference because if you explain to him why you slapped the shit out of him it'd be okay." Is it really that that makes amends or is it the physical/productive action of walking up to him and explaining, apologizing, and continually trying to explain myself over again? If I didn't say anything, whether his life down the road would happen to be "corrected" or not, the fact remains that my actions, and the series of decisions, led to his face being physically smacked by my hand as it hurtled towards him leaving an unsavory feeling of pain to his sensory system. My intentions were good, but does that make me right, give me warrant, or make the world a positive better place? Does it do any good to anybody else other than myself? Or is what really matters in my action? Action of explaining, reconciling, action of caring. In the end, by explaining myself and actively caring I'd be willing to bet you he'd understand to some extent and forgive. (Even though you don't need anybody else to forgive anything, but I added that for sake if this "illustration").

Now, same instance, same poor guy getting knocked out, same me, only this time my intention is to make him feel my wrath or my disgust in him. Bam!! He goes down. Same process follows. If my actions follow the same as before explaining that it was for a higher purpose and going through the motions of care, even though only I know its not genuine is there the same probability that he'll give me the same extent of understanding/forgiveness (if I was a damn good actor)?

Here's a concept by Anthony Robbins thats taken out of context to invoke some thought, of course I'm paraphrasing but the gist of it is [he was talking about positive thinking]: if you sit in your garden and do nothing and think to yourself "there are no weeds, there are no weeds, there are no weeds..." over and over again, no matter what, if there are weeds in your garden they are gonna do their thing and they're gonna take over your garden. Since he wasn't talking about intention I'm not using it emphasize intention, but using it to emphasize my other point: the importance and influence of action. 

Freeze frame on me slapping my friend: at the moment of contact is he concerned about my intention, or about the action of my palm racing towards his face? Then afterwards, what means more to him: my actions of care, or intention (which holds no action or gesture on my part)? Now, regardless of right or wrong, good or bad; what invested more into life, what was more productive: the  action of slapping him or me thinking about my intentions? Likewise, what invests more into life, what was more productive in life: the action of caring or simply me knowing my  intention?

Here's another exaggerated example: What has more "worth" to you "hey, I meant to pull you out of the way of that moving bus, but I didn't act on it for some reason. Sorry bout your legs." or "hey, that was a close one, it was a good thing I pulled you away in time! That was crazy!"? It's interesting to think of the dynamic of difference of hearing "hey, I wish I was able to pull you outta the way faster than I did. It just happened so fast. Sorry about your legs."

As I've seen it, people prefer results. Business prefers results. I'll go as far as including you in this: We prefer results. I prefer results. Give me the option between "I'll be thinking about getting you $1,000,000" or "here you go, here's $1,000 so far of the effort I've put in. The rest is still coming in with production" I'll take the latter! Give me an option between someone saying "I love you" and sitting lifelessly on the couch, or someone saying "I love you" and running up to me, smiling, giving me a huge embrace, I'd take the second any damn day! But I'm not like everyone.

Yes, I agree this universe has and will provide us with possibilities somehow someway. Last I checked you can't just think "I'm hungry. My intentions are to satiate this craving" open your mouth and trees will shoot fruit into your mouth! Although that'd be sweet. You need to pick your fruit, raise your crops, speak your peace, ask the right question to the right people, start your business, produce your dreams, nurture your talents, etc. But heck, I could be wrong.

These examples are extreme but they help illustrate some points. Hopefully the absurdity made you at least keep entertained. I had no idea where this came from. This is stream of consciousness writing. Random thoughts to entertain. 

On a personal note, I like to see people being productive, putting ideas into action, and choosing a positive constructive perspective. I also enjoy when I'm doing the same.